
My good friend Jen Apodaca and I must be on the same wavelength. Because we're both doing blogs about the wild fires racing through Southern California. But maybe it's just because we've both been watching the 24 hour news coverage and praying for everyone affected.
Wildfires here are nothing new. We get them. A lot. Just as, in the first rainy season after the wildfires, we'll have landslides. Californians are tough, though.
We don't just quietly take what Mother Nature hands out. We fight back. And in the last few days, we've all seen some amazing acts of courage. (I prefer to focus on the courageousness of our fellow human beings rather than on the handful of lowlifes who use a time of emergency as a chance to loot and pillage! Or on those who had a hand in starting these fires. That's right. At least two of these destructive fires were caused by arson.)
My point in this blog though was to say thank you. To the firemen who have gone without sleep, who have stayed on the front line of a fire that blazed so hot, its light could be seen in the sky from twenty miles away. To the police officers who rush into burning neighborhoods to make sure people are getting evacuated. To the animal control officers who spent days rounding up horses, dogs, bunnies and yes, even llamas! To the Red Cross who are always there to help--with clothes, food, and sometimes just an understanding ear. To the many states who rushed to California's aid by sending in their firefighters to give our guys much needed rest time.
And to everyone who gave us a thought or a prayer or a wish for safety...we thank you, too.
At 6:57 AM,
Jennifer Lyon said…
Lovely, Maureen! We owe them all so much gratitude. I didn't even think of the animal control in my blog--and I used to work at an animal shelter! The poor firefighters were stretched so thin and yet they just kept battling. And then other states and the government started jumping in with help...thank God!
At 9:44 AM,
Maureen Child said…
Jen, on the front page of the Register a couple days ago, there were the animal control guys herding Llamas down the main road in Modjeska!
You're right...our firefighters put up an amazing fight on almost no sleep.. Everyone was great.
At 10:10 AM,
Kate Carlisle said…
What a great post! You're so right, Maureen. It's really amazing to see the firefighters working so tirelessly in the face of such horror. True heroes.
Considering how close this fire disaster came to affecting your own family members, I know how very thankful you -- and all of us -- are for their efforts.
At 11:22 AM,
Maureen Child said…
Oh, Kate, I'm completely grateful for my family--and friends, coming through unscathed. But my heart really goes out to those who lost so much.
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