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Friday, July 09, 2010

New Book Out Now.....

Okay, so you really can't click on that particular link to look inside, but I've been having trouble getting a picture to post!!

Blogger does NOT like me today. Why? I'm a nice person! I rarely go on a rant and when I do I've been told it's fairly entertaining!

Ah well....the upshot of this post is to let you all know I've got a new book out! CLAIMING HER BILLION DOLLAR BIRTHRIGHT......not my title, by the way, just so you know.

But I claim the book! I really like this one. It's the first in a continuity for Silhouette Desire about the Jarrod family dynasty. The series is set in Aspen and I think it's pretty fabulous.

The book's on the shelves now, so make your local author happy and go buy a copy! Or two. Or three! Give as gifts! And if you'd like a signed bookplate, just send an SASE to me at PO Box 1883, Westminster, CA 92684-1883........

Email me through my website and let me know what you think!


  • At 11:07 PM, Blogger Lacey Devlin said…

    It is fabulous! I'm intrigued now, how often do you get to keep your original title? Is torture involved?

  • At 2:35 PM, Blogger Maureen Child said…

    Thanks, Lacey!

    Hmm.....out of 115 books/novellas, I've kept maybe 5 titles that I came up with.......=)

  • At 7:26 PM, Blogger Lacey Devlin said…

    Yay for those five! 115 is so amazing! You'll need a whole room just for your books.

  • At 10:15 PM, Anonymous pat said…

    AAAGH!! I was just at Border's, and didn't look for it. I'm so ashamed.

  • At 4:25 PM, Blogger Maureen Child said…

    Lacey, you wouldn't BELIEVE the stacks of book boxes in my house!! LOL

  • At 4:26 PM, Blogger Maureen Child said…

    Pat, Pat, Pat....tsk. LOLOL........

  • At 4:29 PM, Blogger Maire Aine said…

    Claiming Her Billion Dollar Birth-Right
    Loved how you introduced the Jarrod family. I loved Erica & Christian's story. Love at first sight how unique considering all the drama surrounding Erica's life. Another great job.

    Cinderella & the CEO (Kings of California)
    Delicious, I would buy it sight unseen. Can hardly wait to catch up with the family.
    Can't wait till the synopsis is available.



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