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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Springtime Means Sacrificial Flowers Are Here

It's Spring! And yes, that means it's time to get the flowerbeds in shape and head to the nursery for more death blossoms.

Seriously, I don't know what it is about me. My grandmother could grow flowers through solid concrete. I on the other hand, am the kiss of death to anything blooming!

Yet every year I try again. This picture is last year's attempt. Look good, don't they? Yep. For about a month. Then they get all white and powdery looking. Then their little leaves turn brown and crinkly. And finally, as with all other growing things in my garden...they toss their little leaves over their little heads and fall down never to rise again.

So why do I keep trying? I just don't know how to give up, I guess. How about you? Are you a great gardener? Or like me, can you hear plants screaming when you walk by...


  • At 1:33 AM, Blogger Lacey Devlin said…

    I think you get points for trying :P

  • At 8:58 AM, Blogger Maureen Child said…

    Aw, THANKS, Lacey! Poor little unsuspecting flowers.......

  • At 11:35 AM, Blogger Pat said…

    Have you tried chanting over them? How about waving a Starbucks latte in front of them? Sometimes it's just a matter of finding the right winning combination.

  • At 4:33 PM, Blogger Maureen Child said…

    Oooh! Oooh! Pat, a latte is a GREAT idea!! I tried the whole talking to them...I must be boring. I played music...don't think they like classic rock.. but a latte. mmmmm

  • At 2:51 AM, Anonymous Ann Flower said…

    You have posted beautiful picture of flowers. Flowers bring so much joy to those who have the time enjoy them.

  • At 8:50 AM, Blogger Maureen Child said…

    Well, thank you Ann! Flowers are beautiful and we should all take the time to enjoy them.

    Now if I could just keep them alive!

  • At 12:45 PM, Blogger Pat said…

    Maybe it's the soil. When we bought this house thirty-one years ago, it came with a bunch of rose bushes. A few died from old age, but the rest are doing fine. I don't like to garden, so all I do is prune them, and when it gets really dry, water them. Other then that, they are on their own.

  • At 4:01 PM, Blogger Maureen Child said…

    Mine are pretty much on their own all the time, LOL. My brother in law tells me we have GREAT soil.


    Must be me.

  • At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Karen Fenech said…

    Great post, Maureen, and one I can identify with! I'm the kiss of death for house plants. As at this writing, I have only one indoor plant left - a Dieffenbachia which I've been told is a hearty plant. I think that must be true since it's still alive. : )

  • At 3:08 PM, Blogger Maureen Child said…

    Hey karen!

    Yep, my mom brought me chrysanthemum plant...usually hard kills. it's been on my coffee table for a week and its all yellow. sigh......and not in a happy way!

  • At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Amy J. Fetzer said…

    Over water, under water? Poor Maureen. You give a valiant effort, but you are why flats of flowers are so cheap. Easy to replace. Personally, in SC, I can't get impatients to stay alive past June first.

  • At 5:54 PM, Blogger Maureen Child said…

    Well, hell Amy! If YOU can'd do it, there's no hope for me!!


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