Friday, February 03, 2012

Romance Writer on the Farm...

Oh, not ME!

LOL, I want to move to a more rural area, but ME running a farm? The animals would revolt and kill me in my sleep.

BUT, a fellow romance writer, Suzanne McMinn does run a farm. The one in this picture as a matter of fact. Sassafrass Farm in West Virginia. She also runs a wildly popular website called Every day, she posts her amazing photographs, crafts, incredible recipes and all about what it's like for a city girl to go country!

She's also just like the rest of us, filled with dreams that sometimes need help to come true. Right now, she's trying to raise the money to redo a studio on her property so she can give cooking and craft lessons on site. To that end, she has a link on Entrepeneurs can go to kickstarter, and if their project is approved, can post a link asking for donations to help them make it.

They have 30 days to reach the set goal amount. You can donate as little as a dollar toward helping meet the goal. And if the goal isn't met, you owe nothing and the artist gets nothing.

Anyway, I love her website. I read it every day. So thought I'd post this here to let YOU know about Suzanne's site. And if you do go to look and you do love it as much as I do, then go her page on Kickstarter and make a donation! Supporting a woman making her dreams come true always seems like a good thing to me.........


  1. I didn't know you followed ChickensInTheRoad too! I love her site. I have so much respect for her. No way could I do what she has done!

  2. Oh, Cyndi......just reading what Suzanne's days are like makes me tired!!
