Monday, February 06, 2012

Kings of California Strike Again!

My latest Harlequin Desire hits shelves tomorrow, Feb 7! This is one of my Kings of California and if I say so myself, it's a really good one!

TO KISS A KING is Garrett King's story. In the very first chapter, he meets a runaway Princess--at Disneyland!

So you can see, this book is a romp and fun and sexy and oh, can't wait for you to read it and let me know what you think!

So, your local author hopes you'll rush right out to buy TO KISS A KING....or, if you just can't wait and really enjoy having your postman deliver books to your door (like me)! Just click here.....BUY ME NOW!


  1. Excellent! Thanks, Maureen.

  2. Hey, Lacey!! Nice to see you again!

  3. I have been waiting for Garret's story, can't wait.

  4. Em, thank you!! I hope you love it!

  5. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Started it yesterday, up at 4:00 AM and finished it before going to work. Sleepy tonight to say the least. Loved, loved, loved it!

    The dedication was very moving, Maureen.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I read Baby Bonanza and fell in love with your style. So I sent Kings of California 1 & 2 to my Kindle. Since then I've read all 12 King cousin books and hunger for more. In Jesse's story, some of the cousins were mentioned. Garrett's brothers were listed as Nathan, Chance, Nash and Kieran, but not his twin brother, Griffin. Also mentioned was Rico and Nick. Then Decker pops up in To Kiss a King. Do you already have these other cousin's stories out? Or do I have to wait very im-patiently for the rest of their stories to be told? I'm so excited I found your books. Thank you.
