Wednesday, October 03, 2012


So, we've been  busy!  In between writing new books and planning for still newer ones, I've been living through a move!

From California to Utah! Way different and so far, I just love it. This is my first actual Fall season! The colors are gorgeous and I love the nip in the air. I know...I'll probably feel differently when the snow starts!

After all, in California, my winter wardrobe consisted of flip-flops and a sweatshirt.  Still, I love the adventure. Seeing new things, meeting new people and discovering that getting out of your comfort zone is really amazing! We do miss the family in California, but flights are short and we'll be taking plenty of them, I know.

Still, I do wish someone had told us about the dinosaur problem...


  1. Beautiful pictures! Congrats on making the move.

    And the dinosaur problem ...BRAWAHAHAHAHA

  2. Hey Cyndi! it's so gorgeous here, except y'know, for the whole Trex thing
