Thursday, February 17, 2011

And I'm baaaacccckkkk...........

Finally, I'm back. I swear, between Christmas, two colds and a sinus infection that refused to leave....anyway.

It's a new year and I'm starting it out right.

That's the cover of my dark paranormal VISIONS OF MAGIC out on Feb. 1 from NAL. It's under a new name, Regan Hastings.....since let's face it, this story is wildly different from my Silhouette Desires....

So now that I'm back, I'm going to be posting more regularly. Call it a resolution if you must, but I'll be here at least a couple of times a week! So stop in and talk to me........I'll be running some contests too. Signed books. Amazon gift keep checking in!

And meanwhile.....go buy a copy of VISIONS OF MAGIC your local author will thank you!


  1. I love your new pseudonym and the Regan Hastings website looks fantastic.

    Book 1 of the Awakening sounds fantastic and I'm thrilled that there's going to be more. Do you know how many at this stage?

  2. Hi Lacey!

    Thanks! For right now, there are at least two more....I'm thinking six total, so fingers crossed!

  3. Good thing I stopped by to see if there was any news. This series sounds like something that I would like to follow up on. What a cool pseudonym. I want one too! Don't know what I would do with it.

  4. Pat.....LOL....ah yes, a pseudonym. Or, as I like to think of them....aliases!!
