Saturday, July 03, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July to everyone! Hope you celebrate with friends and family and hope you thoroughly enjoy all of the freedoms we have in this great country!

I love the Fourth. Love the fireworks, love the barbecue and love the snap of our flag flapping in the wind.

And I wanted to let you all know about this site I stumbled on the other day. It's called A Cup of Joe for a Joe

At this site, you can buy cups of coffee for our troops serving overseas. The GreenBeans coffee company has shops on our bases all over the world. You buy coffee--2 dollars a cup--include an email message to our men and women serving all over the world, and they can get a free cup of coffee. (Or hey, iced frappucino, depending on where they're serving and just how hot it is!)

When your emailed coffee certificates are delivered to the service men and women who have signed up to participate, you'll get some great emails in return. Thanking US for thinking about THEM.

So on this Fourth, think about all of them. Light a sparkler and buy a cup of Joe.


  1. Happy fourth of July right back! What a really great idea re the coffee! Genius I say!

  2. Hey Lacey! Isn't it GREAT?? I've done it a couple times now and the men and women serving are so happy to get that little piece of home!

    But mostly I think, to know they're not forgotten!!

    Did you have great fireworks?

  3. Anonymous9:24 PM

    You're right. Some people might think that coffee isn't such a big deal. But I believe in that old saying...."it's the thought that counts".

  4. I just can't figure out why my name doesn't appear sometimes.

  5. Hi Pat! LOL........apparently, there's a spy in your nature somewhere. You're undercover!!

  6. That's better then no explanation at all.
