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Sunday, September 06, 2009

History Day.......

History day.....

On this day in 1813, the United States got the nickname Uncle Sam.......The name is actually linked to Samuel Wilson, a meat packer from Troy, New York, who supplied barrels of beef to the US Army during the war of 1812. Wilson had the barrels stamped with the letters US for United States, but soldiers began calling the meat a gift from 'Uncle Sam'. A local paper picked up on the story and soon, the federal government had its own nickname.

Also on this day....

1776, the world's first submarine attack.

1876, Minnesotans nearly wipe out the James-Younger gang. Let's hear it for the citizens who fight back!

1888, Edith McClean was the first baby to be placed in an incubator--then known as a "hatching cradle"

1916, the New York Giants started a winning streak, eventually winning 26 straight games

1921, the first Miss America pageant was held in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Miss Washington DC won and received a statue of a golden mermaid.

1940, in England, the blitz begins. And let's hear it for a country who never gave up......

1956, the Bell X-2 experimental rocket climbed to an altitude of 126,000 feet

1984, American Express introduced their Platinum Card....don't leave home without it.

That's what I've got! Let's hear from you this week........


  • At 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm absolutely loving Conquering King's Heart! Reallyh looking foward to the series.

  • At 5:18 PM, Blogger Lacey Devlin said…

    A "hatching cradle".... kind of an unsettling term really.

  • At 6:02 PM, Blogger Maureen Child said…

    Hey Marilyn! Thank you! Hope you love the next two as much!

  • At 6:02 PM, Blogger Maureen Child said… know, it kinda creeped me out, too...

  • At 11:37 AM, Blogger Pat said…

    Loved the story about "Uncle Sam" I had no idea!

  • At 12:58 PM, Blogger Maureen Child said…

    Pat, me neither! LOL...this is one of the reasons I love history day... discover so many neat tidbits!


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