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Friday, May 18, 2007

Contest Coming!

So, just wanted to let you all know that soon, a new contest will be up and running on my soon to be redesigned website,
to celebrate the release of MORE THAN FIENDS!!
This gorgeous necklace and earring set was made especially for ME by my wonderful friend and a fabulous writer, Amy J. Fetzer. (If you click on the picture, you can make it bigger--to appreciate it even more!)
The contest will start as soon as the book is released and the set down date for a store near you is June 5! I'm going to make you answer some questions from the book to coerce you into actually BUYING it to get a chance at this fabulous jewelry!
So watch the wait a minute...that's watch the STORES for your chance to buy MORE THAN FIENDS!! And win Amy's gorgeous jewelry!


  • At 2:15 PM, Blogger Kate Carlisle said…

    Gorgeous!!! Amy is so talented in so many ways!!

    And can't wait to buy my very own shiny RED copy of FIENDS!!

  • At 3:57 PM, Blogger Jennifer Lyon said…

    Wow! I want that necklace, almost as much as I want my very own copy of MORE THAN FIENDS!

  • At 4:26 PM, Blogger Maureen Child said…

    Woo Hoo!! Then my work here is done! May you spread the word to all of those who might be wanting some gorgeous FREE jewelry, handcrafted by a fabulously talented writer!!!


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